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Sedona is quite possibly one of my favorite road trip destinations thus far. If you haven’t been, I highly recommend that you put it on your next itinerary or wish list!
We hadn’t necessarily intended on stopping here on our honeymoon road trip, but felt we were so close being at The Grand Canyon and all. Micah’s dad used to bring his family here when they were younger, so it was something he really wanted to show me. And I am so glad we went. It was a short overnight trip, but so worth it and I’d love to back again someday.
Driving into Sedona was beautiful. I didn’t know what to expect. The tall red rocks were so amazing, riddled with the green of trees. I actually felt like I liked Sedona more than The Grand Canyon in that moment! I can’t believe I’m saying that. The Grand Canyon is pretty awesome and all, but Sedona stole my heart.

We picked out a cheap motel, since we were just staying for the night, and poured a drink to enjoy the sunset views against the red rocks.

We had a flavor-packed dinner at El Rincon in the Tlaquepaque, a beautiful little town square with restaurants and a few shops. When in the Southwest, one must try Southwestern cuisine right? Plus, it was within walking distance from our motel.

It’s pretty easy to find vegetarian and meat options at a Mexican-style restaurant so I highly recommend stopping here whether you are a vegetarian or a carnivore. We had a shrimp-stuffed chimichanga, a blue corn crusted chile relleno, and an enchilada plate. The food was so good, especially after you’ve been traveling all day. And the margaritas sure were delicious also!

We spent the next morning driving to different viewing areas for the different rock formations based on a map that we got from our motel. We didn’t have a lot of time to spend hiking around, since we needed to get back to Vegas for a show that evening. Plus, it was August and seriously hot out!

Nearing the end our trip, we drove back to Las Vegas for one last night. We had tickets to see LOVE at the Mirage, which was an AMAZING show! It was the first Cirque du Soleil show that we saw together and it did not disappoint. Who doesn’t love amazing performance and acrobatics paying homage to the great Beatles?

Alas, our honeymoon adventure came to a close – but it was only the beginning of our adventures!
Looks amazing!